Item 265 out of 396
Lot # 265 - Silver One Sixteenth and One Eighth Rupee Coins of Madras Presidency.
Silver One Sixteenth and One Eighth Rupee Coins of Madras Presidency.
Silver One Sixteenth and One Eighth Rupee Coins of Madras Presidency. Silver One Sixteenth and One Eighth Rupee Coins of Madras Presidency.
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  •   e-Auction # 38
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:669
Start Price 9000 Estimated Price 9000-10000
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Quick Description
DenominationSet of 8 CoinsMetalSilver
Year (AH/VS/SE/AM)1172 AHRY (Ruling Year)6
Full Description:

Madras Presidency, Set of  8 different denomination coins, Silver 1/16 Rupee (5), 1/8 Rupee (3), Calcutta & Madras Mint, AH 1172/6 RY, Edge: Oblique Milling, In the name of Alamgir II, Obv: sikka badshah alamgir II, Rev: sana julus zarb, lotus & rose mint marks, 0.69g,1.45g & 10.31mm, 13.04mm approx, (KM # 423, 412), about very fine to very fine +.

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